Category:Office License:GPLv3+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Summary:Implementation of SuperGenPass Description: SuperGenPass combines a Web site's domain and your master password to generate a unique password for each Web site you visit using a strong cryptographic hash. In addition to using the form when you run the app, you can also use the "Share Page" menu item in the Browser application to launch SGP and pre-fill the domain. Go to Menu → More → Share Page. . Repo Type:git Repo:git:// Build Version:2.1,17,e22b86b5cd132cba8,prebuild=rm SuperGenPass.apk && mv lib libs Build Version:2.2.1,19,2.2.1,prebuild=rm SuperGenPass.apk && mv lib libs Auto Update Mode:Version %v Update Check Mode:Market Current Version:2.2.1 Current Version Code:19