Categories: - Graphics License: GPL-3.0-or-later SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: Acrylic Paint Description: |- Acrylic Paint is a coloring tool based on the FingerPaint project taken from API demos. We use a patched fork authorized by the [ original author] until main development is active again. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.2.0 versionCode: 3 commit: e534db825b557ac523297599139a0616a4ce2545 subdir: Acrylic_Paint - versionName: 1.2.4 versionCode: 4 commit: ec4b0e82deda585372e693bb10e1dc25a01508d6 - versionName: 1.3.1 versionCode: 7 commit: 8e7d116f1caa877bf8f72caa703bafae333ba94f - versionName: '2.1' versionCode: 11 commit: 205982a3bc4294fd54925d27e8337a314aefe13a - versionName: 2.1.3 versionCode: 13 commit: b35e030a104e6cd5e954f9f08109f9dbc88eab88 - versionName: 2.1.4 versionCode: 14 commit: 360ff5c84e7290e2cc93618663a7f0b73430c31e subdir: app gradle: - yes prebuild: echo -e 'android { lintOptions { abortOnError false } }' >> build.gradle - versionName: 2.2.0 versionCode: 15 commit: ffa88e06780133e80cefbe7e3d592773bba7ff77 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 2.2.1 versionCode: 16 commit: 2.2.1 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 2.3.0 versionCode: 17 commit: b733443510d28c9a061e1f8e25bd1e37baad3749 subdir: app gradle: - yes prebuild: sed -i -e '/jcenter()/a\ google()' ../build.gradle AutoUpdateMode: Version %v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 2.3.0 CurrentVersionCode: 17