Categories: - Time License: GPL-3.0-or-later SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: AutoName: Clock+ Description: |- Simple alarm clock, timer, and stopwatch app that offers a delightful user experience for all your timing needs. It is also free and open source! Highlights: * Clean, minimalistic design: Features Material Design throughout. * New time pickers: Enjoy setting alarms with two new time pickers! Beautifully crafted and intuitively designed for ease of use. * List of timers: See all of your timers in one scrollable list, and control each one individually. * Themes: Choose between light, dark, and black themes. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.1.1 versionCode: 111 disable: commit: v1.1.1 subdir: app gradle: - yes rm: - bottomsheetpickers-debug - bottomsheetpickers-release prebuild: sed -i -e '/minSdkVersion/amaxSdkVersion 23' -e '/keystore/d' -e '/compile project/d' -e '/dependencies/acompile "com.philliphsu:bottomsheetpickers:2.3.0"' build.gradle - versionName: 1.1.2 versionCode: 112 commit: v1.1.2 subdir: app gradle: - yes prebuild: sed -i -e '/keystore/d' build.gradle - versionName: 1.1.3 versionCode: 113 commit: v1.1.3 subdir: app gradle: - yes prebuild: sed -i -e '/keystore/d' build.gradle AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 1.1.3 CurrentVersionCode: 113