Categories: - Internet License: GPL-2.0-or-later SourceCode: IssueTracker: FlattrID: '4445428' Bitcoin: 1588ArbHPcb5VtpZPQgue9iPZ9LiA1eEjF Litecoin: LSHhNebrbzLqRYR5JzXk9NkgEiXLKhQvZW AutoName: NetworkMapper Description: |- This frontend will help you to download and install Nmap as well as use it. Nmap will help you to discover hosts, protocols, open ports, services and its configuration and vulnerabilities on networks. Supports all known Android architectures: arm, mips and x86. Nmap binaries are transferred using HTTPS by default and are fetched from the following port: [] RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '1.7' versionCode: 8 commit: 6020e7aa52 subdir: app gradle: - yes MaintainerNotes: AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: RepoManifest CurrentVersion: '1.7' CurrentVersionCode: 8