Category:Office License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Name:AnySoftKeyboard: Georgian Summary:Language pack for AnySoft keyboard Description: N.B You may need to install Georgian fonts. This process would require root. We have a package for them: [[org.herrlado.geofonts]]. Install [[]] first, then select the desired layout from AnySoftKeyboard's Settings->Keyboards menu. See the Google Play description of com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.georgian_full for more tips. This package is a hybrid, using keyboards from the source code page and dictionaries from the texts of the literature portal (editor an co-owner Giorgi Kekelidze) and published with his permission. If you visit the issue tracker be sure to mention that this package uses a different dictionary. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build Version:2.0.204,4,e8b7071461,\ init=rm -rf bin/ gen/,patch=packageid.patch;xml.patch;rules.patch,\ srclibs=AnySoftKeyboard-API@b21d8907;AnySoftKeyboardTools@73e9a09496,prebuild=\ echo 'android.library.reference.1=$$AnySoftKeyboard-API$$' >> && \ echo "android.jar=$$SDK$$/platforms/android-17/android.jar" > && \ mkdir -p dict/ res/raw/ && rm -f assets/* && \ wget \ -O dict/words.xml && ant dict -f rules.xml Auto Update Mode:None #check com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.georgian_full Update Check Mode:None Current Version:2.0.204 Current Version Code:4