Categories:Office License:NYSLv0.9982 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:aGrep Summary:Search through text Description: An implementation of grep, the number one tool for finding something in a text file. It has a file browser for targeting specific directories and a switch for turning on case and regular expressions. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:0.2.1,4 commit=344e34 rm=jni/armeabi/ target=android-10 buildjni=yes Build:0.2.5,9 disable=Source code not published commit=unknown - see disabled Build:0.2.7,11 commit=agrep027 rm=libs/armeabi/ buildjni=yes Build:0.2.8,12 commit=8e835fee6cd7e4a27667a3147b3ca8ad867051a3 rm=libs/armeabi/ buildjni=yes Build:2014.03,201403 commit=8eb6f8a5dd6ab588b0afa1bda799075b8b8fb203 rm=libs/armeabi/*,libs/x86/*,libs/armeabi-v7a/*,libs/mips/* buildjni=yes Maintainer Notes: Tags stopped with 0.2.7. . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:0.2.7 Current Version Code:11