Categories: - Development License: Apache-2.0 WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: AutoName: DroidPHP Summary: Web server with PHP and mySQL support Description: |- Web server with PHP and mySQL support that runs directly on your mobile device. It requires 50mb of internal storage for installation on unrooted phones and has following features: * PHP5 * MYSQL * MYSQL Monitor * Lighttpd (ssl enabled) * Nginx (ssl enabled) RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.7.0 versionCode: 17000 disable: wip commit: 81e76ebbadfeb3b189e92dfb8c200c6f51c39de6 srclibs: - 1:SwitchCompatLibrary@a5880e5ddc0d1f12c6ce1ca745076779dec868b2 - 2:ActionBarSherlock@4.4.0 - 3:libsuperuser@1428b2b7a9393035b70c71ed6073d88f92522878 - CommonsIO@2.4 rm: - libs/* extlibs: - android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild: - cp libs/android-support-v4.jar $$ActionBarSherlock$$/libs - pushd $$CommonsIO$$ - $$MVN3$$ package - popd - cp $$CommonsIO$$/target/commons-io-2.4.jar libs/ - 'true' - versionName: 1.9.1 versionCode: 19001 disable: see maintainer notes MaintainerNotes: |- * Commons-IO seems not to be the right version. * Native code is missing, see AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: RepoManifest CurrentVersion: 1.9.1 CurrentVersionCode: 19001