Disabled: FTBS, https://github.com/thibault/Napply/issues/1
Web Site:https://github.com/thibault/Napply/
Source Code:https://github.com/thibault/Napply
Issue Tracker:https://github.com/thibault/Napply/issues

Summary:Widget to set the phone for quick naps
Wanna take a quick nap? In one tap, setup your alarm, and activate the silent mode. Have a good rest!

The alarm rings, but you want to sleep a few more minutes? You don't event have to open your eyes! Just face your phone down to activate the "Snooze" feature.

Repo Type:git

#Generated by import.py - check this is the right version, and find the right commit!
Build Version:1.2,2,ef1014908ef9005f7783632aba6734a5d294212c,subdir=Napply,init=rm -rf build.xml

Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:1.2
Current Version Code:2