Categories:Navigation License:GPLv3+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Bitcoin:168utA5DWMVXLFVfQDahG5abEWUSk9Wcfm Name:OpenBikeSharing Auto Name:OpenBikeSharing Summary:Display shared bikes availability in your city Description: OpenBikeSharing displays the availability of shared bikes in your city in real time. It uses the [ CityBikes] API that provides data for more than 170 cities and displays those data on an OpenStreetMap layer thanks to the [ osmdroid] library. [ Changelog] . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0,1 commit=v1.0 subdir=app gradle=yes rm=app/libs/* prebuild=sed -i -e "s/dependencies {/dependencies {\ncompile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.7'\ncompile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7'\n/g" build.gradle Build:1.1,2 commit=v1.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.1.1,3 commit=v1.1.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.1.2,4 commit=v1.1.2 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.1.3,5 commit=v1.1.3 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.2,6 commit=v1.2 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.3,7 commit=v1.3 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.3.1,8 commit=v1.3.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.4,9 commit=v1.4 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.5,10 commit=v1.5 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.6,11 commit=v1.6 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.6.1,12 commit=v1.6.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.0,100 disable=dummy subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.7,13 commit=v1.7 subdir=app gradle=yes prebuild=sed -i -e '/buildTypes/i/*' -e '/lintOptions/i*/' build.gradle Auto Update Mode:Version v%v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.7 Current Version Code:13