Category:Navigation License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Name:OsmAnd+ Summary:OpenStreetMap navigation & routing Description: Osmand is a navigation application with access to a wide source of popular open street map data. All map data including vector and raster maps can be stored on the phone memory card for offline usage. Map data packages for many territories are available from Osmand website as well as a desktop application for creating your own. Limitations of Osmand compared to Osmand+: - number of map downloads - no access to Wikipedia offline POIs Please consider donating money via PayPal or BidforFix to support OsmAnd development . Repo Type:git Repo: Build Version:0.6.5,34,v0.6.5,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir assets && mkdir raw Build Version:0.6.6,36,v0.6.6_2,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir raw Build Version:0.6.7,37,v0.6.7,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir raw,patch=code37.patch Build Version:0.6.8,39,v0.6.8,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir raw Build Version:0.6.8',41,!No corresponding source for whatever this is Build Version:0.6.9,42,v0.6.9,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,prebuild=mkdir raw Build Version:0.6.9',43,!No corresponding source for whatever this is Build Version:0.8.1,65,d62472532d8,subdir=OsmAnd,encoding=utf-8,buildjni=no,target=android-8,update=force,forceversion=yes,\ prebuild=cd ../DataExtractionOSM && \ ant compile build && \ cd ../OsmAnd/ && \ cp ../DataExtractionOSM/build/OsmAndMapCreator.jar libs/ && \ zip -d libs/OsmAndMapCreator.jar net/osmand/LogUtil.class && \ cp -r ../DataExtractionOSM/build/lib/ libs/ #Build Version:0.8.2,???,f7500e885dc07418 Update Check Mode:Market Current Version:0.8.1 Current Version Code:65