Categories:Games License:GPLv2+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Name:OpenTTD Summary:Railway emulator Description: OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon the popular Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe", written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. . Repo Type:srclib Repo:libsdl-android # some libraries, such as can't be rebuilt from included sources; # others, such as may be recompiled (probably, better from srclibs) Build Version:,13225,openttd-,subdir=project,submodules=yes,buildjni=no,target=android-17,\ srclibs=OpenTTD@1.3.2,scanignore=project/jni/application/commandergenius/commandergenius/icotool,\ init=\ ln -fs openttd jni/application/src && \ sed -ri 's/ant debug|ant release/exit 0/' ../ && \ sed -ri 's/exit 0//' ../ && \ find -regex ".+\.\(a\|dll\|so\|exe\|lib\)" -type f -delete && cd jni && \ rm -rf android/ ffmpeg/ avcodec/ python/ boost* ../themes/converter/converter && \ cd ../.. && ./ -a,\ prebuild=\ mkdir -p jni/application/openttd/openttd-1.3.2 && \ cp -R $$OpenTTD$$/* jni/application/openttd/openttd-1.3.2 && \ cd jni/application/openttd/ && \ patch -p 0 -d openttd-1.3.2 < openttd-trunk-android.patch && \ patch -p 0 -d openttd-1.3.2 <,\ build=\ sed -ri 's/(debuggable)="true"/\1="false"/' AndroidManifest.xml && \ cd .. && ./ release # todo Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None Current Version: Current Version Code:13225