Categories:System License:GPL-3.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:PdDroid Party Summary:Run Pure Data patches Description: Run your Pure Data patches on Android with native GUIs emulated. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:0.3.0,2 disable=jars commit=c511fc4ad324817ab80fb3e6c44a7effaaf6735d submodules=yes srclibs=2:SVGAndroid@ae2e0405fcff18d46fde59d0a3f970661813ad89,Objenesis@1.2,EasyMock@easymock-3.1,Libpd@0.7.0,ASM@ASM_3_3,cglib@RELEASE_2_2 rm=libs/*.jar,pd-for-android/ScenePlayer,pd-for-android/CircleOfFifths,res/raw/,pd-for-android/midi/AndroidMidiTest/libs/*jar,pd-for-android/PdCore/jni/libpd/libs/*jar prebuild=pushd $$EasyMock$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ package && \ popd && \ pushd $$Objenesis$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ package && \ popd && \ pushd $$ASM$$/asm && \ ant jar && \ popd && \ pushd $$cglib$$ && \ ant jar && \ popd && \ exit 1 && \ cp $$EasyMock$$/target/easymock-3.1.jar pd-for-android/midi/AndroidMidiTest/libs/ && \ cp $$EasyMock$$/target/easymock-3.1.jar $$Objenesis$$/target/objenesis-1.2.jar pd-for-android/PdCore/jni/libpd/libs/ && \ pushd pd-for-android/PdCore && \ find libs -iname *.so | xargs rm && \ android update project --path . && \ ndk-build && \ popd && \ android update project --name PdDroidParty --path . scanignore=pd-for-android/PdCore/libs,pd-for-android/PdCore/obj/,pd-for-android/ScenePlayer/libs Maintainer Notes: TODO:libpd has jar files * android-support-v4.jar is okay. * libpd.jar is most likely the answer to my question about :) I was not able to build it at first, but will come back to this later. * asm.jar is .. i hope it’s a simple ant jar * cglib.jar is . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:0.3.0 Current Version Code:2