Disabled:Wait for g-free build AntiFeatures:UpstreamNonFree Categories:Navigation License:Apache-2.0 Web Site:http://www.cgeo.org Source Code:https://github.com/cgeo/c-geo-opensource Issue Tracker:https://github.com/cgeo/c-geo-opensource/issues Donate:https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=cgeo%40cgeo%2eorg&item_name=Donate%20to%20CGeo%20via%20F-droid Auto Name:c:geo Summary:Geocaching client Description: Geocaching is a sport where people hide things and you go and find them. This is an unnofficial client to access geocaching.com's list of caches, search and save them to the device. Older builds of this application no longer work due to reliance on third party services that have changed. . Repo Type:git Repo:https://github.com/cgeo/cgeo Build:1,1 disable=wip commit=market_20140918 subdir=main init=cp templates/keys.xml res/values/ && \ mkdir repackageMapsforge0.2/ && \ mv libs/mapsforge-map-0.2.4.jar repackageMapsforge0.2/ patch=no-gmaps.patch,dummykeys.patch gradle=yes srclibs=ApacheHttpCore@4.2.3,ApacheHttpClient@4.2.3,HttpClientAndroid@46874342a6b7,MapsforgeCgeo@cbd01e8,LocusMap@6:08dee4be1444 forceversion=yes forcevercode=yes rm=main/libs/*.jar,main/libs/*.properties,main/libs/src/* prebuild=mv $$ApacheHttpCore$$/httpcore $$HttpClientAndroid$$/script/httpcore && \ mv $$ApacheHttpClient$$/httpclient $$HttpClientAndroid$$/script/httpclient && \ mv $$ApacheHttpClient$$/httpclient-cache $$HttpClientAndroid$$/script/httpclient-cache && \ mv $$ApacheHttpClient$$/httpmime $$HttpClientAndroid$$/script/httpmime && \ pushd $$HttpClientAndroid$$/script && \ sed -i -e '/checkout/d' convert_stock_httpclient && \ bash convert_stock_httpclient && \ popd && \ cp $$HttpClientAndroid$$/script/httpclientandroidlib-1.1.2.jar libs/ && \ echo "==== HttpClientAndroid done ====" && \ pushd $$LocusMap$$/LocusAddonPublicLib && \ ant release && \ popd && \ cp $$LocusMap$$/LocusAddonPublicLib/bin/classes.jar libs/locus-api-4.0.jar && \ $$MVN3$$ clean package -DskipTests -f $$MapsforgeCgeo$$/pom.xml && \ mv $$MapsforgeCgeo$$/mapsforge-map/target/mapsforge-map-0.3.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar libs/ && \ pushd repackageMapsforge0.2 && \ jar xf mapsforge-map-0.2.4.jar && \ rm org/mapsforge/android/mapsold/*.class && \ mkdir src && \ mv org src/ && \ printf '\n\n' > AndroidManifest.xml && \ android update project --path . --target android-19 && \ echo "android.library=true" >> project.properties && \ ant release && \ cp bin/classes.jar ../libs/mapsforge-map-0.2.4.jar && \ popd && \ sed -i -e 's/debuggable true/debuggable false/' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/versionCode/d' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/versionName/d' build.gradle Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Static