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Summary:Book cataloguing application
This is a simple book catalogue application, to store a list of your books.
Books can be added either manually, by ISBN, or by barcode if you have
[[]] installed. In the case of the last two
methods,  information including cover images is sought on the internet
meaning you can have a thorough record of a book in as little as 30 seconds.

One thing to watch out for is that in rare case, barcodes do not contain ISBN
numbers. This will usually apply to older trade or pulp books and a barcode is
often also present inside the front cover. If no ISBN is present a search for
the author's name may still give results.

Repo Type:git

Build Version:3.0.1,36,b876c6df82c7e195ec5d,patch=percent-in-strings.patch
Build Version:3.0,35,448858bad8b397974db7,patch=percent-in-strings.patch
Build Version:3.3,47,50379da3ee1f7e95679a
Build Version:3.3.1,48,!No source - see
Build Version:3.4,49,ef03c165bdc34e6be1f6
Build Version:3.4.2,51,f802cfb067684b78f195
Build Version:3.5.1,53,52ba5015693ae0b2696e
Build Version:3.5.6,57,!version code incorrect in source repo - 57 does not exist
Build Version:3.6,59,0f22f87a308190d74fab,target=android-10
Build Version:3.6.1,61,75e2f8328ff9a2602fe1,target=android-10
Build Version:3.6.2,62,da37baecb2c90aa2b306,target=android-10
Build Version:3.7,68,514799b45d18cf6dbc42065adf08abbdc9e2f16f,target=android-10
Build Version:3.8,69,bb85065cb6045df773cd681ac8bad55a6818d48a,target=android-10
Build Version:3.8.1,70,890b6affe8a64,target=android-10
Build Version:4.0.3,79,!No matching source
Build Version:4.0.6,88,!0d673d0b1
#Dummy keys
Build Version:4.0.7,90,!build problems 22ac838388f14a5,target=android-15,prebuild=\
rm -rf external_libs marketplace_info && \
sed -i 's/GoodreadsApiKeys.GOODREADS_DEV_SECRET/"JARXkJTfyo0F8MyctYi9bUmrLISjo8vXAHsZHiuk2E"/g' \
src/com/eleybourn/bookcatalogue/goodreads/ && \
sed -i 's/GoodreadsApiKeys.GOODREADS_DEV_KEY/"udFVpMhBnhJutfVj6abfA"/g' \
Build Version:4.1.5,98,!no source

Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:4.1.5
Current Version Code:98