Categories:Office License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Bitcoin:1HkX6X8EakdsgAysL93oKrWiXGPbFiG1xV Summary:Testing version of Bitcoin Description: A bitcoin wallet, allowing you to store, send and receive bitcoins on your device, both via QR codes and NFC. When run for the first time, it can happen that the app shows only a white display for some seconds. This is a test version of [[de.schildbach.wallet]] that uses the test Bitcoin network, not the real one. The apk is not debuggable, however. [ Changelog] . # BitcoinJWallet (author's fork) is rebased each version so old commits wont work # Patch may need re-doing also Repo Type:git Repo: #Note: there used to be build data for 1.48.2/66 but the source code for this #seems to have gone (it was in a maintenance branch) when the project went #from svn to git. Build:2.01_test,74 commit=a55ef6822c9e subdir=wallet maven=yes srclibs=BitcoinJWallet@31953d239555 prebuild=$$MVN3$$ install:install-file -DgroupId=android -DartifactId=android -Dversion=2.3.3_r2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$$SDK$$/platforms/android-10/android.jar && \ $$MVN3$$ install:install-file -DartifactId=compatibility-v4 -Dversion=r6 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$$SDK$$/android-compatibility/v4/android-support-v4.jar Build:2.02_test,75 commit=d32701a4ce99 subdir=wallet maven=yes srclibs=BitcoinJWallet@8ced139bf179 prebuild=cd $$BitcoinJWallet$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ install && \ cd - && \ $$MVN3$$ install:install-file -DgroupId=android -DartifactId=android -Dversion=2.3.3_r2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$$SDK$$/platforms/android-10/android.jar && \ $$MVN3$$ install:install-file -DartifactId=compatibility-v4 -Dversion=r6 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$$SDK$$/android-compatibility/v4/android-support-v4.jar Build:2.16_test,87 commit=49c3da045e57 subdir=wallet maven=2 srclibs=BitcoinJWallet@a160dc24f38c prebuild=cd $$BitcoinJWallet$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ install && \ cd - && \ cd ../integration-android && \ $$MVN3$$ install && \ cd ../wallet && \ mvn3 install:install-file -DgroupId=android -DartifactId=android -Dversion=2.3.3_r2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$$SDK$$/platforms/android-10/android.jar && \ mvn3 install:install-file -DartifactId=compatibility-v4 -Dversion=r6 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$$SDK$$/android-compatibility/v4/android-support-v4.jar Build:3.01-test,121 commit=v3.01 maven=yes srclibs=BitcoinJWallet@1649520e3183 patch=pom.patch prebuild=sed -i '54 i \\tandroid:debuggable=\"false\"' wallet/AndroidManifest.xml && \ cp -r $$BitcoinJWallet$$/ . && \ rm -rf market/ Build:3.04-test,124 commit=v3.04 maven=yes srclibs=BitcoinJWallet@7cb7bfc11c11 patch=pom.patch prebuild=cp -r $$BitcoinJWallet$$/ . && \ rm -rf market/ Build:3.14-test,134 commit=v3.14 maven=yes srclibs=BitcoinJWallet@v0.9 prebuild=sed -i '30,33d' pom.xml && \ cp -r $$BitcoinJWallet$$/ . && \ rm -rf market/ build=$$MVN3$$ clean install -f BitcoinJWallet/pom.xml Build:3.15-test,135 commit=3dbf4ba44ff8 maven=yes srclibs=BitcoinJWallet-origin@777e6781d7 prebuild=sed -i '30,33d' pom.xml && \ cp -r $$BitcoinJWallet-origin$$/ . && \ rm -rf market/ build=$$MVN3$$ clean install -DskipTests -f BitcoinJWallet-origin/pom.xml Build:3.18-test,139 commit=v3.18 maven=yes srclibs=BitcoinJWallet@v0.10.1 prebuild=sed -i '30,33d' pom.xml && \ cp -r $$BitcoinJWallet$$/ . && \ rm -rf market/ build=$$MVN3$$ clean install -DskipTests -f BitcoinJWallet/pom.xml Build:3.23-test,144 commit=b75b225c7289 subdir=wallet maven=yes@.. srclibs=BitcoinJWallet@v0.10.2 prebuild=cp -r $$BitcoinJWallet$$/ . && \ rm -rf ../market/ && sed -i '/sample-integration-android/d' ../pom.xml build=$$MVN3$$ clean install -DskipTests -f BitcoinJWallet/pom.xml Build:3.27-test,148 commit=2654e2cbc6ac subdir=wallet maven=yes@.. rm=market/ srclibs=BitcoinJWallet-origin@v0.10.3 prebuild=cp -r $$BitcoinJWallet-origin$$/ BitcoinJWallet build=$$MVN3$$ clean install -f BitcoinJWallet/pom.xml Build:3.28-test,149 commit=2246feca3217 subdir=wallet maven=yes@.. rm=market/ srclibs=BitcoinJWallet-origin@v0.10.3 prebuild=cp -r $$BitcoinJWallet-origin$$/ BitcoinJWallet build=$$MVN3$$ clean install -f BitcoinJWallet/pom.xml Maintainer Notes: Do other wallet app first: can use tags here because security is less important. Don't forget the version name though! There is no 3.24-test, 3.24 fixed a release problem at the developer's end. . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Static Current Version:3.28-test Current Version Code:149