Categories:Phone & SMS License:PublicDomain Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Roaming Info Summary:Notify about SIM operator changes Description: Displays a notification with current operator's name and in case of roaming it also shows the original SIM's operator name. If you swipe (dismiss) the notification, a new one will be displayed when a change in the conexion occurs. To remove the service from memory and avoid further notifications, just tap the notification. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.7,12 commit=e12465bc5ffa85565102220eace3b8267aed981e Build:1.8,13 commit=a381fdaead6a8f4c02e385e6ab69aff174f19b1c Build:1.9,14 commit=ee22ad40b1cc358d6ec77150b14956eb4f8b9d0e Build:2.0,15 commit=b1e5448c4e1e7a026208294946920f90cbcad0ab Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:2.0 Current Version Code:15