Categories:Internet License:GPL-3.0-only Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Auto Name:Tremotesf Summary:Remote-control Transmission BitTorrent client Description: Remote GUI for the [ Transmission] BitTorrent client. Features: * View torrent list * Sort torrents * Filter torrents by name, status and trackers * Start/stop/verify torrents with multi-selection * Add torrents from torrent files and magnet links * Select which files to download when adding torrent * Manage torrent files * Add and remove torrent trackers * View torrent peers * Set torrent limits * Change remote server settings * View server statistics * Multiple servers * Supports HTTPS connection * Can connect to servers with self-signed certificates (you need to add certificate to server settings) * Client certificate authentication . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.2.1,5 commit=1.2.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.3.0,6 commit=1.3.0 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.4.0,7 commit=1.4.0 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.4.1,8 commit=1.4.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.4.2,9 commit=1.4.2 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.5.0,10 commit=1.5.0 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.5.1,11 commit=1.5.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.6.1,13 commit=1.6.1 subdir=app gradle=fdroid Build:1.6.2,14 commit=1.6.2 subdir=app gradle=fdroid Build:1.6.3,15 commit=1.6.3 subdir=app gradle=fdroid Build:1.7.0,16 commit=1.7.0 subdir=app gradle=fdroid srclibs=OpenSSL@OpenSSL_1_0_2o,QtBase@v5.9.6 prebuild=sed -i -e '/splits/,+7d' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e 's/android:extractNativeLibs=\"false\"/android:extractNativeLibs=\"true\"/' src/main/AndroidManifest.xml && \ sed -i -e "806s/\"\$MAKE\"/\"\$MAKE\" -j $(nproc)/" $$QtBase$$/configure && \ ln -s $(realpath $$OpenSSL$$) ../3rdparty/openssl/openssl && \ ln -s $(realpath $$QtBase$$) ../3rdparty/qt/qtbase build=ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="$$SDK$$" ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="$$NDK$$" ../ -j $(nproc) ndk=r15c Build:1.7.1,17 commit=1.7.1 subdir=app gradle=fdroid srclibs=OpenSSL@OpenSSL_1_1_0h,QtBase@v5.11.1 prebuild=sed -i -e '/splits/,+7d' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e 's/android:extractNativeLibs=\"false\"/android:extractNativeLibs=\"true\"/' src/main/AndroidManifest.xml && \ sed -i -e "806s/\"\$MAKE\"/\"\$MAKE\" -j $(nproc)/" $$QtBase$$/configure && \ ln -s $(realpath $$OpenSSL$$) ../3rdparty/openssl/openssl && \ ln -s $(realpath $$QtBase$$) ../3rdparty/qt/qtbase build=ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="$$SDK$$" ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="$$NDK$$" ../ -j $(nproc) ndk=r17b Build:1.8.0,18 commit=1.8.0 subdir=app gradle=fdroid srclibs=OpenSSL@OpenSSL_1_1_0h,QtBase@v5.11.1 prebuild=sed -i -e '/splits/,+7d' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e 's/android:extractNativeLibs=\"false\"/android:extractNativeLibs=\"true\"/' src/main/AndroidManifest.xml && \ sed -i -e "806s/\"\$MAKE\"/\"\$MAKE\" -j $(nproc)/" $$QtBase$$/configure && \ ln -s $(realpath $$OpenSSL$$) ../3rdparty/openssl/openssl && \ ln -s $(realpath $$QtBase$$) ../3rdparty/qt/qtbase build=ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="$$SDK$$" ANDROID_NDK_ROOT="$$NDK$$" ../ -j $(nproc) ndk=r17b Auto Update Mode:Version %v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.8.0 Current Version Code:18