# F-Droid metadata template # # See http://f-droid.org/manual for more details # # Fields that are commented out are optional # # Single-line fields start right after the colon (without whitespace). # Disabled: (if an app must vanish from the repo) # AntiFeatures: (comma-separated) (possible values hard-coded in fdroidserver) Categories: (comma-separated) License: Web Site: (web link) Source Code: (web link) Issue Tracker: (web link) # Donate: (web link) # FlattrID: (number) # Bitcoin: (bitcoin address) # Name: (to override the name of the app in the index) Summary: (one sentence, no more than 30-50 chars, no trailing punctuation) Description: Description of what the app does, starting on a new line. It should be as objective as possible and wrapped at 80 chars (except links and list items). A blank line means a line break, i.e. the end of a paragraph. Bulleted lists can be used: * Item 1 * Item 2 Links can be added like this: [https://github.com/org/project/raw/master/res/raw/changelog.xml Changelog] Links to other apps too: [[some.other.app]] To close a multiline field, add a new line with only a dot. . # Requires Root: Yes (f not having root breaks the app or renders it useless) # Repo and Build fields only matter in source-built apps Repo Type: (git, git-svn, svn, hg or bzr) Repo: (repo url, don't use auth # One for each source build Build:<version>,<version code> commit=<tag/commit/rev> # [...] # # For a complete list of flags, see the manual # Maintainer Notes: # Here go the notes to take into account for future updates, builds, etc. # Will be published in the wiki if present. # . Auto Update Mode: (see the manual) Update Check Mode: (see the manual) Current Version: (current version name) Current Version Code: (current version code, i.e. number) # No Source Since: First version to be partially or completely missing upstream