Category:Wallpaper License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Summary:Extensible lock screen widget Description: DashClock is a replacement lock screen clock widget for Android 4.2+. It also exposes additional status items called extensions. The widget comes bundled with extensions that give you instant access to: * Missed calls and unread text messages * Your next calendar appointment * Your next scheduled alarm For versions 1.4.3 and below, the Local Weather extension requires Network Location, the non-free system app that's found on devices that have the other proprietary Google services. To add the widget to your Android 4.2 device's lock screen, simply swipe to the left-most page of your lock screen and touch the "+" icon. Then, select "DashClock" to customize and add the widget. You can make this the primary lock screen widget, replacing the default clock, by first touching-and-holding it and then dragging it horizontally to the very rightmost position. If you're a [[com.fsck.k9]] user, check out [[com.grapefruitopia.dashclock.k9]]. . Repo Type:srclib Repo:DashClock Build Version:1.3.1,14,v1.3.1,subdir=main Build Version:1.4.2,17,v1.4.2,subdir=main Build Version:1.4.3,19,v1.4.3,subdir=main Build Version:1.5 Beta 2,21,!crashes; wait for next beta at 789143f4ed52,\ forceversion=yes,forcevercode=yes,srclibs=DragSort@0.6.1,\ subdir=main/src/main,extlibs=android/android-support-v13.jar,target=android-17,\ prebuild=mkdir -p src && printf 'android.library.reference.1=$$DragSort$$' >> \ && cd ../../../ && x=$(pwd) && \ printf 'source.dir=%s/main/src/main/aidl;%s/main/src/main/java;\ %s/api/src/main/java;%s/api/src/main/aidl' $x >> # see ../../../main/ for version Auto Update Mode:None # Use None because of checkupdates bug Update Check Mode:None Current Version:1.4.3 Current Version Code:21