Disabled: Unable to reliably maintain - recommend using weechat instead
  - Internet
License: GPL-2.0-only
WebSite: http://tt-rss.org/tt-irc-android
SourceCode: https://github.com/gothfox/Tiny-Tiny-IRC-for-Honeycomb
IssueTracker: https://github.com/gothfox/Tiny-Tiny-IRC-for-Honeycomb/issues

AutoName: Tiny Tiny IRC
Summary: Client to connect to TinyTinyIRC
Description: |-
    Companion app for Tiny Tiny IRC, an AJAX-powered IRC client. The idea behind
    this being that you don't need either client software or even a stable network
    connection to stay connected to IRC.

  - versionName: '1.7'
    versionCode: 50
    disable: broken viewpagerindicator
    commit: 1eaae117eba6ced87573278b7780a692e55cd19f
    subdir: org.fox.ttirc
      - yes
    prebuild: sed -i -e '/bintray/d' -e '/jcenter/imavenCentral()' ../build.gradle

MaintainerNotes: Tags are old.

AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: None
CurrentVersion: '0'
CurrentVersionCode: 0

NoSourceSince: '1.7'