Categories:Science & Education License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:ODK Collect Summary:Data collection tools Description: Sample blank surveys can be downloaded within the app. Open Data Kit (ODK) is a cross-platform set of tools which help organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions. ODK provides an out-of-the-box solution for users to: * Build a data collection form or survey; * Collect the data on a mobile device and send it to a server; and * Aggregate the collected data on a server and extract it in useful formats. In addition to socio-economic and health surveys with GPS locations and images, ODK is being used to create decision support for clinicians and for building multimedia-rich nature mapping tools. See featured deployments and list of tools for more examples of what the ODK community is doing. We welcome and encourage participation from the user community. Status: The app is including proprietary google play libraries. . Repo Type:hg Repo: #No API-8 on the build server Build:1.2.1,1015 commit=6b017ddf90f2 target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:10 prebuild=mkdir -p libs && \ mv lib/* libs/ Build:1.2.1+,1020 commit=v1.2.1 rev 1020 target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:10 forceversion=yes prebuild=mkdir -p libs && \ mv lib/* libs/ Build:1.2.2,1023 commit=v1.2.2 rev 1023 target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:10 prebuild=mkdir -p libs && \ mv lib/* libs/ Build:1.4,1038 disable=Google Play Services commit=v1.4 rev 1033 Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.4.3 Current Version Code:1040