Categories: - System License: MIT WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: Obsqr Summary: Scan QR codes Description: |- Fast and simple QR code scanner that uses the zbar library. Minimalistic design allows you to access QR content with a single tap. '''N.B''' QR codes only, not other kinds of barcodes. QR types that can be decoded by Obsqr: * URLs * phone numbers * SMS * geolocations * emails * contact information * applications on Play Store * WiFi configuration * plain text RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '2.4' versionCode: 9 commit: 071341595ce3 prebuild: bash target: android-15 buildjni: - yes - versionName: '2.5' versionCode: 10 commit: 4c6ad70039ba prebuild: bash target: android-16 buildjni: - yes - versionName: '2.6' versionCode: 11 commit: 0b81963 prebuild: bash target: android-19 buildjni: - yes - versionName: '2.7' versionCode: 13 commit: 2d2886a gradle: - fat prebuild: sed -i -e 's/buildTypes.release.signingConfig/android.buildTypes.release.signingConfig/g' build.gradle - versionName: '3.0' versionCode: 16 commit: '3.0' gradle: - zbar prebuild: sed -i -e '/play-services/d' build.gradle scandelete: - src/zbar/jniLibs build: - pushd libzbar - NDK_PROJECT_PATH=$(pwd) ndk-build - cp -rv libs/* ../src/zbar/jniLibs/ - popd AutoUpdateMode: Version %v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: '3.0' CurrentVersionCode: 16