Categories: - Games License: GPL-3.0-only WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: Summary: Play a kart racing games with Tux and friends Description: Kart racing game, with many tracks, characters and items for you to try. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '1.0' versionCode: 1 disable: sdk-issues commit: 91e7c51ae7aaf8be799785e8fb4126a9fc9526c4 subdir: android srclibs: - supertuxkartdeps@69590c5c344ebd914a1726563aebfae369f6d374 prebuild: - mv ../data/supertuxkart.git ../data/supertuxkart.$$VERSION$$ - sed -i -e '/STK_VERSION/s/git/$$VERSION$$/g' ../src/utils/constants.cpp - tar -C '../lib' -xf $$supertuxkartdeps$$/android/dependencies-android.tar.xz target: android-19 build: - export USE_SDK_WRAPPER=yes - export SDK_PATH=$$SDK$$ - export NDK_PATH=$$NDK$$ - ./ - ./ -j5 ndk: r13b - versionName: 0.9.3 versionCode: 10 commit: 0.9.3 subdir: android output: build/outputs/apk/android-release-unsigned.apk srclibs: - supertuxkartdeps@eeb6a5e1841ec5f0c02848abc00f8fa9466ea8bb - supertuxkartassets093@17659 prebuild: - tar -C '../lib' -xf $$supertuxkartdeps$$/dependencies-android.tar.xz - sed -i 's/android:versionCode="1"/android:versionCode="$$VERCODE$$"/' AndroidManifest.xml - sed -i 's/android:versionName="1.0"/android:versionName="$$VERSION$$"/' AndroidManifest.xml - sed -i -e 's#../../stk-assets#$$supertuxkartassets093$$#' scandelete: - lib/curl/tests - tools/windows_installer build: - export BUILD_TYPE=release - export SDK_PATH=$$SDK$$ - export NDK_PATH=$$NDK$$ - ./ - ./ ndk: r12b MaintainerNotes: |- By default, the build script only builds a binary for armeabi-v7a. Upstream sets the version manually during the build so we can't enable auto update. AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: None