Categories: - Time License: Apache-2.0 SourceCode: AutoName: Alarm Clock Summary: Disable alarm by solving a math problem Description: |- A simple alarm clock application that requires that you solve a math problem to deactivate the alarm. Builds: - versionName: '1.3' versionCode: 4 commit: 15f5ea1db539fcb5c0982a55f30b32f3464abea3 srclibs: - 1:Support/v7/appcompat@android-5.0.1_r1 extlibs: - android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild: - echo -e 'java.source=1.7\' | tee $$Support$$/ > - cp libs/android-support-v4.jar $$Support$$/libs/ target: android-21 AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: None CurrentVersion: '1.3' CurrentVersionCode: 4 NoSourceSince: '1.4'