Categories:Multimedia,Internet License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate:¤cy_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted Auto Name:QuickLyric Summary:Fetch and display song lyrics Description: QuickLyric fetches your lyrics for you. It includes a search engine and is simple and easy to use. It can also detect what song is playing on your device. The NFC permission is used to share lyrics via Android Beam. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.5.3,6 commit=1.5.3 subdir=QuickLyric gradle=fdroid Build:1.5.5,10 commit=1.5.5 subdir=QuickLyric gradle=fdroid Build:1.5.7,15 commit=1.5.7 subdir=QuickLyric gradle=fdroid Maintainer Notes: Next version wil include a jar file, build it with something like: Build:1.5.8,16 commit=1.5.7 forceversion=yes forcevercode=yes subdir=QuickLyric gradle=fdroid srclibs=GMusicAPI@5b389d3856372aee3bf7fb3953d74f4c22f62d56 prebuild=pushd $$GMusicAPI$$ && $$MVN3$$ install -DskipTests && popd && \ sed -i -e '/mavenCentral/amavenLocal()' -e '/support-v4/acompile "googlemusic:api:googlemusic.api:1.0.0"' build.gradle Right now installing to mavenLocal seems to be wrong for this jar, so maybe just copy over the jar file. Re-enable auto updates. . #Auto Update Mode:Version %v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.5.7 Current Version Code:15