Categories:Games License:GPLv3+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:NextGIS Mobile Summary:GIS that lets you create, edit and export geodata, both online and offline Description: NextGIS Mobile allows to: * show multi-layer map (layers can come from online and offline sources); * change visibility and layers order; * navigate the map (panning, zoom in, zoom out); * collect data in the field; * edit vector data (both geometries and attributes) online and offline; * record tracks; * show coordinates, speed, elevation etc. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.3,13 commit=3ceca6fbf27dd10f030c1910eb225b3f29c30afa subdir=app submodules=yes gradle=yes prebuild=sed -i "s/\(buildscript {\)/\1\n[''] = 'true'/" ../build.gradle Build:2.4,16 commit=2.4 subdir=app submodules=yes gradle=yes prebuild=sed -i "s/\(buildscript {\)/\1\n[''] = 'true'/" ../build.gradle Auto Update Mode:Version %v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:2.4 Current Version Code:16