  - Connectivity
License: GPL-3.0-or-later

AutoName: IPFS
Description: |-
    Support of the standard uses cases of IPFS (like add, cat, get, publish, etc).
    Provide a modern UI to realize this common use cases.
    Possibility to customize the configuration of the IPFS node.

    * Precondition is that both communicating nodes using this IPFS Lite application
    * Enhance the pubsub feature of IPFS to share files between two nodes (Send Option)
    * Integration of WebRTC via the pubsub feature of IPFS to support telephony between two nodes
    * Integration of IOTA to support faster node detection and to support a kind of offline mode
    between nodes
    * Inbox contains all notifications from other nodes which were sent while your node
    was offline (Stored on the Tangle, Data is encrypted)

    The InterPlanetary File System is a peer-to-peer (p2p) filesharing system
    that aims to fundamentally change the way information is distributed
    across & beyond the globe. IPFS consists of several innovations in
    communication protocols and distributed systems that have been combined
    to produce a file system like no other.

RepoType: git

  - versionName: 0.9.4
    versionCode: 94
    commit: 0.9.4
    subdir: app
      - yes

AutoUpdateMode: Version %v
UpdateCheckMode: Tags
CurrentVersion: 0.9.4
CurrentVersionCode: 94