Categories:Time License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Donate: Auto Name:Offline Calendar Summary:Offline calendar adapter Description: Lets you add offline calendars to the Calendar app, which are not synchronized and are accessible only on the device itself. Create the calendar in this app and it will then be available in the Calendar app. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0,1 commit=189ea0113f896515826d33f6cc0041c344a11159 subdir=Local-Calendar Build:1.1,2 commit=v1.1 subdir=Local-Calendar update=.,android-libs/HoloColorPicker/ Build:1.2,3 commit=v1.2 subdir=Offline-Calendar/src/main init=echo "source.dir=java" > && \ echo -e "target=android-17\nandroid.library.reference.1=../../../libraries/HoloColorPicker" > update=.,../../../libraries/HoloColorPicker Build:1.3,4 commit=v1.3 subdir=Offline-Calendar gradle=yes Build:1.4,5 commit=v1.4-buildfix subdir=Offline-Calendar gradle=yes Build:1.5,6 commit=v1.5 subdir=Offline-Calendar gradle=yes Build:1.6,7 commit=v1.6 subdir=Offline-Calendar gradle=yes Build:1.7,8 commit=v1.7 subdir=Offline-Calendar gradle=yes Auto Update Mode:Version v%v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.1 Current Version Code:11