Categories:Reading License:LGPL Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:And Bible Summary:Offline Bible reader Description: * Read the bible and refer to commentaries wherever you are * Over 40 English versions of the bible including ESV, KJV and NET * Totally offline after initial downloads * The bible in over 50 different languages * 26 commentaries * Uses the JSword engine from CrossWire * User interface translated into many different languages * You can add more bibles to the list via the CrossWire site . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.5.5,79 commit=7d7e23e88da2ea9ce598fc6c454e52b508d70c48 subdir=AndBible target=android-8 Build:1.6.0,83 commit=5aad7e0ec7793a23296a8c7257687550ff6bca81 subdir=AndBible target=android-8 Build:1.7.3,93 commit=build-01.07.03 subdir=AndBible init=rm -f build.xml Build:1.8.1,100 commit=build-01.08.01 subdir=AndBible target=android-10 Build:1.9.0,107 commit=74c888f4ce77ee6dd00612fe7b9df46899bda990 subdir=AndBible target=android-10 Build:2.1.1,138 commit=d5f6a1534cae65ff6d7eaf1d89f subdir=AndBible srclibs=1:Support/v7/appcompat@android-4.4.3_r1 extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild=mv libs/android-support-v4.jar $$Support$$/libs && \ rm build.xml Build:2.2.2,166 commit=build-02.02.02 subdir=AndBible srclibs=JSword@d7ad5ef gradle=yes rm=Andbible/libs/*,AndBible/libs,AndBible/libs-src init=sed -i "/android {/a compileOptions {\nsourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7\ntargetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7\n}" build.gradle prebuild=cp -r ../jsword-tweaks/src/main/. $$JSword$$/src/main && \ sed -i "//,/<\/repositories>/d" $$JSword$$/pom.xml && \ sed -i "//a com.chenlb.mmseg4jmmseg4j-all1.8.6" $$JSword$$/pom.xml build=pushd $$JSword$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ package -Dmaven.test.skip=true && \ popd && \ cp $$JSword$$/target/jsword-*.jar libs/jsword.jar Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:2.2.2 Current Version Code:166