Categories:Writing License:GPL-3.0-or-later Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Notes Summary:Take and manage notes Description: Create and manage notes. It is also possible to can define categories and assign them to the notes. Notes can have one of these types: * simple text notes * check-list notes * audio notes * sketch notes The app belongs to the group of Privacy Friendly Apps developed at the [ SECUSO research group] of Technische Universitaet Darmstadt. It does not require any permission and relinquishes advertisement and tracking mechanisms. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0,1 commit=v1.0 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.0.1,2 commit=v1.0.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Auto Update Mode:Version v%v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.0.1 Current Version Code:2