Categories: - Navigation License: Apache-2.0 WebSite: SourceCode: AutoName: GeoBeagle Description: |- Geocaches are objects that have been hidden in the real world; the game of geocaching is finding these objects around you. Jacob Paulsen did a [ YouTube video] featuring GeoBeagle. RepoType: hg Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.4.15 versionCode: 206 disable: wip a868e85b7acf commit: unknown - see disabled subdir: trunk/GeoBeagle extlibs: - roboguice/roboguice-1.1.jar prebuild: - cp -r factory/com/google/code/geobeagle src/com/google/code/geobeagle/ - cp -r factory/roboguice/util/ src/com/google/code/geobeagle/ - sed -i 's///g' AndroidManifest.xml AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: Static CurrentVersion: 1.4.15 CurrentVersionCode: 206