Disabled:Not much chance of keeping it updated Category:System License:Apache2 Web Site:https://github.com/romanbb/AOKP_Backup Source Code:https://github.com/romanbb/AOKP_Backup Issue Tracker: Donate:http://aokp.co/index.php/news Summary:Backup your ROM settings Description: Only for users of AOKP ROM. You must be on at least milestone 5 to use this Status: The latest versions contain non-free libraries which would be rather difficult to remove. . Requires Root:Yes Repo Type:git Repo:https://github.com/romanbb/AOKP_Backup.git Build Version:1.51,22,531698 Build Version:1.7.1,36,!nonfree libs a8e823,target=android-17,srclibs=libsuperuser@e2c43a81379,\ prebuild=mv lib libs && rm *.apk && mv $$libsuperuser$$/src/* src/ && \ mkdir -p gen/eu/chainfire/libsuperuser && echo -e "package eu.chainfire.libsuperuser;\n\ public final class BuildConfig { public final static boolean DEBUG = false; }" \ > gen/eu/chainfire/libsuperuser/BuildConfig.java Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:1.7.1 Current Version Code:36