Categories:Multimedia License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Auto Name:Shorty Summary:Shortcuts for Intent Radio Description: Create shortcuts for Intent Radio. * Create shortcuts from the app or the android launcher. * Defaults to BBC Radio 4 if no data is entered. * Lookup stations from a list. * Values and list saved between uses. * Save and restore the list from the device file system. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0,1 commit=v1.0 Build:1.01,101 commit=v1.01 Build:1.02,102 commit=v1.02 Build:1.03,103 commit=v1.03 Build:1.04,104 commit=v1.04 Auto Update Mode:Version v%v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.04 Current Version Code:104