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Summary:User-friendly todo list app
"An errand a day keeps the troubles away".

A fun, and informal way to progress with your todo list. Maniana
(man-ya-na) helps you to answer a simple question "which of my
errands am I going to do today?". A perfect solution for every

Repo Type:git

Build Version:1.01.18,18,i5bceec4cf403,subdir=Maniana,prebuild=mv lib libs
#The following out of sequence version code should never have been added to the
#repo - it is going to mess up auto-update detection for people who have installed
#Build Version:1.01.19.D01-next,90019,0a568c16e4a3,subdir=Maniana,prebuild=mv lib libs,forceversion=yes,forcevercode=yes
Build Version:1.01.20,20,96f57cd56be8,subdir=Maniana,prebuild=mv lib libs,forceversion=yes,forcevercode=yes
Build Version:1.01.24,24,c71fb26530bb,subdir=Maniana
Build Version:1.2.25,25,926280e79670,subdir=Maniana

Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:Market
Current Version:1.26
Current Version Code:26015