Categories:Office License:LGPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Kolab Notes Summary:Write notes and sync them with Kolab Description: Take notes locally and optionally sync them with Kolab and IMAP servers in the Kolab v3 storage format. The goal of the app is, to support the full stack of Kolab Notes functionality: notebooks and tags for organising notes is already possible. Also it is possible to edit the classification and color of a note. At the moment it can interpret rich text, but it is not possible to format the text within the app (this feature and support for attachments will be integrated in a future release). There are already 2 types of widgets included in the app. One widget is a kind of a "sticky note" widget, it displays the summary and description of a single note. The other widget is a configureable list widget. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:0.1.0-alpha4,4 commit=0.1.0-alpha4 subdir=app gradle=yes srclibs=KolabNotesLib@0.6.3 prebuild=sed -i -e '/jitpack/,+1d' -e '/maven {/d' -e '//amavenLocal()' ../build.gradle && \ pushd $$KolabNotesLib$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ install && \ popd && \ sed -i -e 's/com.github.konradrenner/org.kore.kolab.notes/g' build.gradle Build:0.1.0-alpha6,6 disable=depency issue commit=8ca21e22077ec0a21e6f3512763c30414d5ca5b7 subdir=app gradle=yes srclibs=KolabNotesLib@0.6.3,ColorPicker-ambilwarna@a8d92e310f7b7419852b5367c1560f5db2b4fb98 prebuild=mkdir -p ../libs/ && \ sed -i -e '/jitpack/,+1d' -e '/maven {/d' -e '//amavenLocal()' ../build.gradle && \ pushd $$KolabNotesLib$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ install && \ popd && \ sed -i -e 's/com.github.konradrenner/org.kore.kolab.notes/g' -e '/ambilwarna/d' -e '/support-v4/acompile project(":libs:colorpicker:library")\n' build.gradle && \ cp -fR $$ColorPicker-ambilwarna$$ ../libs/colorpicker && \ echo -e "\ninclude ':libs:colorpicker:library'" >> ../settings.gradle Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:0.1.0-beta1 Current Version Code:7