#!/bin/sh # This fetches all google code source pages and reports those that have moved # to github. set -e all=$(sed -n 's@Source Code:\(.*code\.google\.com.*/source\)@\1@p' metadata/*.txt | sort -u) len=$(echo "$all" | wc -l) echo "$len apps left" moved() { printf "\n%s\n" $1 printf "\tProject moved: %s\n" $2 } echo "$all" | sort -u | shuf | while read url; do printf "." redurl=$(curl -s -I $url/checkout | perl -n -e '/^Location: (.*)$/ && print "$1\n"') if echo $redurl | grep -q hosting/moved; then found=$(curl -L -s $url/checkout | sed -n 's/.*View the project at: .*/\1/p') moved $url $found continue fi if [ -n "$redurl" ] && [ "$redurl" != "$url" ]; then moved $url $redurl continue fi found=$(curl -L -s $url/checkout | sed -n 's/.*here<\/A>.*/\1/p') if [ -n "$found" ]; then moved $url $found continue fi done echo