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Summary:English-Japanese dictionary
A free, open-source english-japanese dictionary for Android which uses Jim Breen's edict data. Does not require japanese keyboard. Works offline. The dictionary data is downloaded automatically.

Automatic download of the indexed EDict/Kanjidic/Tanaka dictionaries (Warning: the dictionaries files are quite large, e.g. English EDict zip file is 8mb long, which may take some time to download. Perform this download over a Wi-Fi or with a quick internet access if possible)
Allows automatic download of a German/French EDict, the names dictionary and the computer terminology dictionary
   Once the dictionary is downloaded it works completely off-line
   Kanjipad for drawing and searching kanji characters
   Search kanji characters by radicals and stroke numbers
   Shows a kanji analysis in a word
   SKIP search (a search based on the kanji visual look)
   Custom dictionaries
   Optionally shows romaji instead of hiragana/katakana - good for beginner learners. Also provides a hiragana/katakana learning table.
   Search in Tanaka Example sentences
   Optional verb deinflection (e.g. searching for あえない will find あう)
   Kanji drawing order for more than 1500 kanjis
   A basic sentence translation
   Integration with Simeji
   Verb conjugations with example sentences
   Integrates with Android Search (Android 1.6 or higher only

Repo Type:hg

#Doesn't build, needs work...
Build Version:2.8,280,!Build fails (at aedict-2.8),maven=2

Update Check Mode:Static