Categories:Phone & SMS License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:pttdroid Summary:Walkie Talkie/Push to Talk Description: Talk with other people on the same WiFi network. The app uses broadcast and multicast for communication over the same local network (WiFi) and unicast for point-to-point communication, which also works on GSM. Uses Speex ( for voice encoding which can be adapted to the bandwidth. . Repo Type:git-svn Repo:;trunk=trunk/pttdroid;tags=tags Build:1.1,2 commit=1.1 target=android-7 prebuild=rm -rf libs/ buildjni=yes Build:1.2,3 commit=62 prebuild=rm -rf libs/ buildjni=yes Build:1.5,4 commit=71 target=android-18 forceversion=yes prebuild=rm -rf libs/ buildjni=yes Build:1.5.2,5 commit=1.5.2 prebuild=rm -rf libs/ obj/ buildjni=yes Build:1.5.3,6 disable=uses google play services commit=1.5.3 prebuild=rm -rf libs/ obj/ buildjni=yes Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.5.3 Current Version Code:6