Disabled:wip AntiFeatures:NonFreeAdd,Tracking Categories:Internet #mostly... License:MPL2 Web Site:https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms/Android#System_Requirements Source Code:http://hg.mozilla.org Issue Tracker:https://bugzilla.mozilla.org Donate:https://sendto.mozilla.org/page/contribute/openwebfund Repo Type:hg Repo:https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/ Name:Firefox Summary:Web browser Description: Mobile version of the Firefox web browser. Uses the Gecko layout engine to render web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards. Features include: bookmark sync, custom search engines, support for addons and the ability to enable or disable the search suggestions. Anti-features: Non-free Addons: The license of the addons/modules on addons.mozilla.org may be seen in the version notes of the addon and often the license is Custom or other non-free. However there is no such license info for most apps from the marketplace. Tracking: Stats are sent back regularly to the developers, but that can be disabled via settings. THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT BUILD -- DO NOT INSTALL . Build:31.0,2014071712 commit=FENNEC_31_0_RELEASE prebuild=mkdir fdroid && \ echo "ac_add_options --with-android-ndk=\"$$NDK$$\"" > .mozconfig && \ echo "ac_add_options --with-android-sdk=\"$$SDK$$/platforms/android-20\"" >> .mozconfig && \ echo "ac_add_options --enable-application=mobile/android" >> .mozconfig && \ echo "ac_add_options --target=arm-linux-androideabi" >> .mozconfig && \ sed -i -e 's/android:debuggable="true"/android:debuggable="false"/g' -e 's/@ANDROID_VERSION_CODE@/2014071712/g' mobile/android/base/AndroidManifest.xml.in && \ sed -i -e '/ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME/d' -e '/MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME/d' mobile/android/branding/unofficial/configure.sh && \ echo "ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME=org.mozilla.fennec.fdroid" >> mobile/android/branding/unofficial/configure.sh && \ echo "MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME=FennecFDroid" >> mobile/android/branding/unofficial/configure.sh build=./mach build && ./mach package && \ fxarch=`grep "ac_add_options --target=" .mozconfig | cut -d '=' -f2` && \ mv obj-${fxarch}/dist/fennec-*.apk fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk && \ zip -d fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk "META-INF*" scanignore=* output=fdroid/fennec-unsigned.apk Maintainer Notes: Dependencies: * apt-get build-dep firefox Flavours: * x86: echo "ac_add_options --target=i386-linux-android" >> .mozconfig * arm: echo "ac_add_options --target=arm-linux-androideabi" >> .mozconfig Branding and Debug: * mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android/release * MOZILLA_OFFICIAL, especially in mobile/android/base/AndroidManifest.xml.in Updating/Versioning: * Update Check Mode:Tags ^FENNEC_[1-9][0-9]*_[0-9]*_RELEASE$ * versionCode via ANDROID_VERSION_CODE is datestring with some magic applied and changes every build! * Half-automated way of getting current VC: android_sdk=/home/krt/tmp/fdroid/android-sdk-linux build_tools=20.0.0 lftp -e 'mget *apk;quit' ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mobile/releases/latest/android/en-US/ lftp -e 'mget *apk;quit' ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mobile/releases/latest/android-x86/en-US/ for apk in `ls *apk` do verarch=`basename ${apk} .apk | cut -d '-' -f '4-'` verinfo=`${android_sdk}/build-tools/${build_tools}/aapt dump badging ${apk} | grep ^package` vercode=`echo ${verinfo} | sed -e 's/ versionCode=/\n/g' -e 's/ versionName=/\n/g' | tail -n2 | head -n1 | tr -d \'` vername=`echo ${verinfo} | sed -e 's/ versionCode=/\n/g' -e 's/ versionName=/\n/g' | tail -n2 | tail -n1 | tr -d \'` echo $verarch echo $vercode echo $vername rm ${apk} done . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None Current Version:31.0 Current Version Code:2014071712