Categories:Internet License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: FlattrID:4449128 Bitcoin:1KbtLnxp6mhkGznFNZZQdcaCUQHmrTtLm4 Litecoin:LfWH3KchBMKdXSfbUXy4iDB3Drgcq3TjH3 Auto Name:External IP Summary:Display your IP addresses Description: Simple application to display IP addresses of interface and your internet IP address. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.3,7 commit=ddc4018d9e target=android-8 # # Build:1.2,3 # commit=431da48bfb10 # target=android-8 # # Build:1.2-change_server,4 # commit=431da48bfb10 # patch=change_server.patch # forceversion=yes # forcevercode=yes # target=android-8 # # Build:1.2-change_server-2,5 # commit=431da48bfb10 # patch=change_server-2.patch # forceversion=yes # forcevercode=yes # prebuild=sed -i 's/android:minSdkVersion=\"3\"/android:minSdkVersion=\"4\"/g' AndroidManifest.xml # target=android-8 # # Build:2.2,6 # commit=13ebec22f40c # target=android-8 Auto Update Mode:None # No revisions in a long time Update Check Mode:Static Current Version:2.3 Current Version Code:7