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Auto Name:MuPDF
Summary:Lightweight document viewer
'''N.B''' The names of the versions correspond to the chip architectures that 
the apk is designed to run on. 
This is the only PDF viewer we have that is designed for MIPS; the ARM apk 
contains libraries for both ARM and ARMv7a.

MuPDF supports PDF 1.7 with transparency, encryption, hyperlinks, annotations, 
searching, form editing and more. 
It also reads OpenXPS and CBZ (comic book) documents. 

Repo Type:git

Build Version:1.2,2,1.2,subdir=android,submodules=yes,buildjni=yes,prebuild=\
cd .. && make generate && cd android
Build Version:1.2-ARM,50,0516026e,forceversion=yes,subdir=platform/android,\
submodules=yes,prebuild=sed -i 's/armeabi-v7a/armeabi armeabi-v7a/g' \
jni/ && cd ../.. && make generate,buildjni=yes
Build Version:1.2-x86,51,0516026e,forceversion=yes,forcevercode=yes,\
cd ../.. && make generate,buildjni=yes
Build Version:1.2-MIPS,52,0516026e,forceversion=yes,forcevercode=yes,\
cd ../.. && make generate,buildjni=yes

Auto Update Mode:None
# Tags would wipe out submodules
# Don't build ARMv7a until we can support more than 3 apks
Update Check Mode:RepoManifest
Current Version:1.3 (git build)
Current Version Code:50