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Auto Name:CACertMan
Summary:Disable untrusted certificates
Android 4+ allows you to disable certificates
from the system Settings and root isn't required, so try that first if you want 
to manually mess with the certificates. 
The app won't work with Android 4+ anyway.

An app to manage security certificates on your phone also containing a version 
of the Android CACert keystore derived from Mozilla. 
If a certificate has recently become untrusted you can either install an update
to this app or you can backup and remove certificates by yourself. 

Requires root: Yes, it writes to the system partition. 
You will need a device that has the ‘grep’ command on it (via busybox: 
present on most custom ROMs). 
If the ‘save’ doesn’t work, then you will need to make your /system partition 
read-write by using a file explorer like [[com.ghostsq.commander]] or via 
a command in [[jackpal.androidterm]].

Requires Root:Yes

Repo Type:git

Build Version:0.0.2-20110906,3,0.0.2,target=android-8,subdir=app
Build Version:,4,212187e9c398e46fda87fe2335ee48bb693caca0,target=android-8,subdir=app

Build Version:0.1,5,!not a release at 6d819d26d,subdir=app,\
build=cd .. && gpg --import && \
      make && mv stores/debiancacerts.bks app/res/raw/cacerts.bks

Auto Update Mode:None
# also on gplay
Update Check Mode:None
Current Version:
Current Version Code:4