Categories: - Money License: AGPL-3.0-only AuthorName: Will Baumann WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: Bitcoin: 3MGikseSB69cGjUkJs4Cqg93s5s8tv38tK AutoName: Smart Receipts Plus Description: |- Turns your phone into a receipt scanner and expense report generator. Just take pictures of your receipts and email yourself a PDF and CSV file. Smart Receipts tracks receipt data and allows you to generate both PDF and CSV reports that can be shared with your email accounts. The PDF reports are tabulated to improve readability and look professional. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.1.1 versionCode: 12 commit: d5684ee0bb7210e8b9205e932feba1b2eed21f50 subdir: SmartReceipts prebuild: sed -i -e 's/^android.library.reference.1/#android.library.reference.1/' - versionName: 1.2.1 versionCode: 53 disable: Build problems 84c786b6a5 commit: unknown - see disabled subdir: SmartReceipts prebuild: - mv lib libs - rm libs/wbflex.jar - sed -i -e 's/^android.library.reference.1/#android.library.reference.1/' target: android-8 - versionName: 2.2.0 versionCode: 80 commit: 342435f4c srclibs: - ActionBarSherlock@4.1.0 - AndroidCamera-WB@v2.2.1 - Mini-WB@2ff534 - SmartReceipts@a286f742dab prebuild: - cp $$SmartReceipts$$/libs/android-support-v4.jar $$ActionBarSherlock$$/libs/ - cp $$SmartReceipts$$/libs/android-support-v4.jar $$AndroidCamera-WB$$/libs/ - rm $$AndroidCamera-WB$$/src/wb/android/google/camera/util/ - sed -i 's@\(.1=\).*@\1$$SmartReceipts$$@' - versionName: 2.2.1 versionCode: 82 commit: 5c9ae8d29 srclibs: - ActionBarSherlock@4.1.0 - AndroidCamera-WB@v2.2.1 - Mini-WB@2ff534 - SmartReceipts@946fd63b4 prebuild: - cp $$SmartReceipts$$/libs/android-support-v4.jar $$ActionBarSherlock$$/libs/ - cp $$SmartReceipts$$/libs/android-support-v4.jar $$AndroidCamera-WB$$/libs/ - rm $$AndroidCamera-WB$$/src/wb/android/google/camera/util/ - sed -i 's@\(.1=\).*@\1$$SmartReceipts$$@' - versionName: 3.1.2 versionCode: 95 disable: ant library hierarchy is far too complex to follow commit: v3.1.2 srclibs: - ActionBarSherlock@4.4.0 - AndroidCamera-WB@v3.0.0 - Mini-WB@v3.0.0 - 1:SmartReceipts@v3.1.2 prebuild: - cp libs/android-support-v4.jar $$ActionBarSherlock$$/libs/ - cp libs/android-support-v4.jar $$SmartReceipts$$/libs/ - mv libs/android-support-v4.jar $$AndroidCamera-WB$$/libs/ - versionName: 3.2.5 versionCode: 106 disable: repo and structure changed commit: v3.2.5 subdir: SmartReceiptsPRO - versionName: 3.3.2 versionCode: 112 disable: WIP (upstream issue?) commit: v3.3.2 subdir: SmartReceiptsPRO srclibs: - Support/v7/appcompat@android-4.4.2_r2 - AChartEngine@r533 - MuPDF@1.6 rm: - ../Common/libs/android-support-v4.jar - ../SmartReceiptsPRO/libs/test/*.jar - ../wbMiniLibrary/libs/android-support-v4.jar - libs/android-support-v4.jar - ../AndroidCamera/libs/android-support-v4.jar - ../SmartReceiptsLibrary/libs/*.jar extlibs: - android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild: - cp libs/android-support-v4.jar ../Common/libs/ - cp libs/android-support-v4.jar ../wbMiniLibrary/libs/ - cp libs/android-support-v4.jar ../AndroidCamera/libs/ - mkdir ../Common/src - sed -i 's@../appcompat@$$Support$$@g' ../SmartReceiptsLibrary/ - sed -i 's@\.\.\/\.\.@$$MuPDF$$@g' ../mupdf/jni/*.mk scandelete: - . - .. build: - pushd $$MuPDF$$ - make generate - popd - pushd ../mupdf - $$NDK$$/ndk-build - popd - pushd $$AChartEngine$$ - versionName: 3.3.3 versionCode: 120 commit: 4bce295fc2b6e9403052b57f3722b24c62630636 subdir: SmartReceiptsPRO gradle: - yes srclibs: - AChartEngine@r534 - MuPDF@1.6 - itextg@5.5.0 rm: - SmartReceiptsLibrary/libs/*.jar - SmartReceiptsPRO/libs/test/*.jar prebuild: - sed -i 's@\.\.\/\.\.@$$MuPDF$$@g' ../mupdf/jni/*.mk - sed -i -e 's/:smartReceiptsLibrary/:SmartReceiptsLibrary/' build.gradle ../settings.gradle - sed -i -e 's/:androidCamera/:AndroidCamera/' ../SmartReceiptsLibrary/build.gradle ../settings.gradle scandelete: - . - .. build: - pushd $$MuPDF$$ - make generate - popd - pushd ../mupdf - $$NDK$$/ndk-build - popd - pushd $$AChartEngine$$ - $$MVN3$$ package - popd - cp $$AChartEngine$$/target/achartengine-1.1.0.jar ../SmartReceiptsLibrary/libs - pushd $$itextg$$ - $$MVN3$$ package -DskipTests - popd - cp $$itextg$$/target/itextg-5.5.0.jar ../SmartReceiptsLibrary/libs - versionName: 3.3.4 versionCode: 162 disable: wip commit: fe9104499f6c306a53664bde1e7503e7f9738e53 subdir: smartReceiptsPRO gradle: - yes srclibs: - AChartEngine@feca180235a338889 - itextpdf@itextg-5.5.0 rm: - SmartReceiptsLibrary/libs/*.jar - smartReceiptsPRO/libs/test/*.jar - SmartReceiptsFree prebuild: - sed -i -e 's/:smartReceiptsLibrary/:SmartReceiptsLibrary/' build.gradle ../settings.gradle - sed -i -e 's/:androidCamera/:AndroidCamera/' ../SmartReceiptsLibrary/build.gradle ../settings.gradle - sed -i -e '/smartReceiptsFree/d' ../settings.gradle build: - pushd $$AChartEngine$$ - $$MVN3$$ package - popd - cp $$AChartEngine$$/target/achartengine-1.1.0.jar ../SmartReceiptsLibrary/libs - pushd $$itextpdf$$/itext - $$MVN3$$ package -DskipTests - popd - cp $$itextpdf$$/itext/target/itextg-5.5.0.jar ../SmartReceiptsLibrary/libs AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: CurrentVersionCode: 387