Categories:Development License:LGPL-3.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:OASVN Pro Summary:Subversion client Description: Works for http:// https:// and svn:// repositories. svn+ssh:// is experimental and has been added recently. Currently supports all of the following svn operations: Checkout (Head or specify revision), Update, Commit, Export (Head or specify revision), Cleanup, and Revert. Also allows you to view remote repository revisions (you specify the number of revisions to retrieve) and see commit comments, author, date/time and all files changed, added, deleted, etc. Working copies and exports of repositories are saved locally (all checked out files will go to your mountable storage: most of the time /mnt/sdcard/OASVN) so they could be edited on your device with an IDE such as Terminal IDE and then you can commit back to your repository. The most recent version adds svn export so you can make a local copy of your repository on your Android device without making a working svn copy. . Build:1.0.9,10 commit=84 target=android-15 Build:1.0.10,11 commit=126 target=android-15 Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Static Current Version:1.0.10 Current Version Code:11