Categories: - Theming License: GPL-3.0-or-later AuthorName: F4 SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: AutoName: HgLauncher Summary: A launcher for a slow day Description: HgLauncher is a launcher with a design philosophy of 'if it works, it works.' Consisting of simply a scrolling list of apps, there is very little visual cue to disturb you. If all you want in a launcher is for it to just launch apps ASAP, then you may be looking at the right launcher. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: versionCode: 19 commit: v1.3.5.5 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 1.3.6 versionCode: 20 commit: v1.3.6 subdir: app gradle: - yes AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 1.3.6 CurrentVersionCode: 20