Disabled:Non-free license Categories:Science & Education License:CC-BY-NC Web Site:https://github.com/giletvin/ornidroid/wiki Source Code:https://github.com/giletvin/ornidroid Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Ornidroid Summary:Bird info Description: Works online by default but you can copy the files from the repo to the sdcard or download them from the web as mentioned on the website . Repo Type:git Repo:https://github.com/giletvin/ornidroid.git Build:1.0.1,2 disable=non-commercial licence v1.0.1 commit=unknown - see disabled subdir=ornidroid extlibs=commons-io/commons-io-1.4.jar,junit/junit-4.10.jar prebuild=rm -rf ../ornidroid_images ../ornidroid_database ../ornidroid_audio ../ornidroid_icons Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Static