Categories:Internet License:AGPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Auto Name:PageKite Summary:PageKite connector Description: PageKite makes it easy for your Android device to become a public web server or SSH server, even if it is on 3G or trapped behind NAT or strict firewalls. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, Websocket and SSH servers. Note that PageKite is not itself a server, it makes other server apps reachable with the help of an in-the-cloud relay server (, which itself is free software). . Repo Type:git Repo:git:// Build Version:1.007,1212140,!needs work 3556ac801,srclibs=LibPageKite@81c9d891;OpenSSL-GP@327836b3b,prebuild=\ cp -r $$LibPageKite$$ . && cp -r $$OpenSSL-GP$$ LibPageKite/ && \ rm jni && ln -s LibPageKite jni && ln -s LibPageKite/net.pagekite.lib src/net/pagekite/lib && \ export NDK_PROJECT_PATH=$$NDK$$ && make -f jni/Makefile android Auto Update Mode:None #Update Check Mode:Market Update Check Mode:None Current Version:1.007 Current Version Code:1212140