Categories: - Navigation License: GPL-3.0-only WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: AutoName: SAnd Summary: Show orientation, height and airpressure Description: |- Use your phones sensors (barometer and compass) to show your current orientation, height and air pressure. Important: * Showing height and air pressure only works, if your phone has a built-in barometer (if this is not the case it provides you a simple compass with orientation in degree). * Calculated height is based on standard atmosphere and can be corrected within the app, if you know your real height. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '1.0' versionCode: 1 commit: v1.0 subdir: SAnd gradle: - yes rm: - SAnd/libs/* - versionName: '1.01' versionCode: 2 commit: v1.01 subdir: SAnd gradle: - yes rm: - SAnd/libs/* - versionName: '1.02' versionCode: 3 commit: v1.02 subdir: SAnd gradle: - yes rm: - SAnd/libs/* prebuild: echo -e "android { lintOptions { disable 'MissingTranslation' } }" >> build.gradle AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: '1.02' CurrentVersionCode: 3