Categories: - Internet - System License: GPL-2.0-only WebSite: AutoName: SimpleSSHD Description: |- SimpleSSHD is a SSH server Android app, based on Dropbear, written by Greg Alexander. It allows user access (user ssh) or full root access (by setting the login shell to /system/xbin/su) (if root is allowed). RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '21' versionCode: 21 commit: release_21 subdir: app gradle: - yes prebuild: - sed -i -e 's#~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle/#$$NDK$$/#' -e 's#./gradlew assembleRelease &&#gradle assembleRelease#' -e '/andinst/d' ../doit - sed -i -e '/' build.gradle build: - pushd .. - ./doit - popd ndk: r19c AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: '22' CurrentVersionCode: 22