Category:System License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:myLock utilities Summary:Lockscreen improvements Description: Use myLock to enable quick unlock, incoming call options, and in-call touchscreen lock when using a slide-to-unlock lockscreen. * Quick unlock - automatically bypasses the unlock slider when you turn on the screen. Customizable for phones with slideout keypad. * In-call touchscreen lock - if you experience face dialing/muting/hangup because your touchscreen wakes up during phone calls, enable the lock. You can unlock by trackball/camera button when you do need to use the screen in-call. Otherwise, touch input is blocked after the screen goes to sleep during a call. * Incoming call prompt - avoid the incoming call sliders by enabling onscreen or button based call accept & reject. This last feature is disabled on android 2.3 gingerbread. * Optional myLock widget can be placed on the home screen for quick toggle of quick unlock mode. N.B. Disable quick unlock before using alarm (this is an issue on HTC sense devices). v1.5 comes from the same repository but a different directory, hence the slight feature differences. . Repo Type:git-svn Repo: #Don't have android-9 Build Version:42,28,341,target=android-8 Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:42 Current Version Code:28